COVID-19 Information
This update provides a general overview of Covid-19 measures at Bethany Lodge/Manor in addition to our regular updates through voicemail and email. There are also several reliable sources of information on COVID-19 on this page.
Bethany Lodge strives to ensure the health and wellbeing of our residents, workers, and visitors to our homes.
Our Infection Prevention and Control measures that are in place follow Public Health Guidelines and include:
- Pass screening of all residents, and staff
- Rapid testing for staff, visitors, residents presenting with any COVID-19-related symptoms.
- Use of appropriate personal protective equipment
- Enhanced infection, cleaning, and sanitation protocols
- Proper Hand Hygiene
- Universal Masking
- Social Distancing (as much as possible)
Please get in touch with us directly if you wish to become an Essential Caregiver to your loved one. Please see link below to apply to be an essential caregiver:
Bethany Lodge LTC | Scheduling and Booking Website (simplybook.me)
The following websites contain reliable information:
If you have any questions or concerns, please get in touch with us directly.
Bethany Lodge Team
Email: info@bethanylodge.org